Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Great day at Amberley museum demonstrating traditional skills.  Today we were demonstrating the ancient art of Bodging.  Pole lathe turning to make  chair legs and other useful items.

I made a Dibber and a Spurtle.  Nothing fancy just simple shapes to keep the public amused and try and increase their understanding of Greenwood working.  I also got to spend a bit of time working my Yew long Bow.  No sooner had I started on it when I was called away to look at a tree that was in danger of falling down onto the cabin that serves as the Amberley bric a brac shop.

It was a Sallow with a rather nasty crack running along the main trunk.  A small gust of wind would have had it falling onto a visitor.  So it needed immediate attention.  I did have a chainsaw handy and I am not certified anyway.  I am rather used to Tree felling with an axe though.  Some out came my large Cegga axe.  A few  it swings to create a bite and then a trusty bow saw to make sure I missed the public and the shop and it was on the ground.  Shame to see trees chopped but this one was rotten and posed a danger.

I will turn some of the wood into bow drill sets and carve a few spoons.  The rest will either become a part oaf the dead hedge or be stacked to become charcoal later this year.

Tomorrow I am demonstrating Outdoor Cooking Skills so we needed to do some foraging.  We collected Beech, Hawthorn, and Hazel leaves for a pate.  Burdock and Dandelion for roasting to make a cordial.  Wild strawberry and blackberry leaves plus stinging nettle.  I have plenty of leaves.

What about the dead things I hear you cry.  Well I have decided to cook a joint of Beef coated in sea salt in the Dutch oven.