Thursday, December 15, 2005


Today had few highlights to recommend it. Mostly I toiled at the bloody pc. It is so slow lately almost crashing but not quite.

The one highlight of my day was taking the session at Ninjutsu. They are a top bunch of people and should be commended. The session was a mix of strong dakentaijutsu with intention and simple flowing jutaijutsu. I really enjoyed the escapes from 2 people. its nice to know that even being a short over weight bloke i can still do a reasonable amount.

The cardiovascular fitness needs some work. I have decided to donate any monies from the January 13th Forest Knights Weekend Bushcraft Course to the Bridge Trust for the Homeless.

i am not expecting to raise a huge amount but still every little helps. i will post the exact figure when i know.

No real wildlife encounters a part from briefly watching one large male fox.

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